Hello World!
Hello! I am Hanneke. I love code, pixels and interactivity, and I've done stuff with them, some of which you can find here.
I'm a software developer (currently happily employed at Infi), and as such it seems kind of obligatory to have a website so here we are. Well, that or a TikTok, but I'm too old for that. I barely understood SnapChat when that was a thing. I am old enough to be on facebook, but too embarrassed to share the link. I used to like Twitter, but, y'know, they let that sink in. So if you want to talk to me, you can find me over on Mastodon.
Hanneke does things (sometimes)
I'm not a side projects kind of developer – I mean, I do tinker some from time to time but there's nothing really big on my GitLab or GitHub. At least this website and the previous, very custom build system for it are. The coolest side project I ever did was the Archillect Picture Frame.
I curate a newsletter that I send very irregularly, about interesting things I come across during my daily activities of browsing the internet. It's in Dutch, but if you speak that language it is, in my opinion, absolutely worth it to subscribe and sometimes get a nice surprise in your mailbox. The shortest time between issues has historically been a month, and the longest over a year, so I will not exactly be flooding your mailbox. You can find more information and subscribe at Mailing der Dingen.
At the now page you can see what's keeping me busy right now. Well, sort of; I'm not very good at updating.
Hanneke is elsewhere
- As I already mentioned, you can find me over on Mastodon.
- I publish some code on GitHub and GitLab (I guess where depends on my mood).
- For what it's worth, I made a few things on Glitch and Itch.io.
- Well that's about it I guess? I'm not putting my email address on here! If you want email from me though, check out Mailing der Dingen.